Vision | How to Trouble Shoot Video Loss
Video loss on a surveillance system can manifest as a black screen or the Defender Logo and may occur after moving components, cables, or the most common cause, a loose connection or a loss of power.
To help identify the issue, please follow these steps. Whenever a connection is restored, you may stop following the troubleshooting steps.
1. Ensure that the camera is getting enough power. To do this, unplug the camera from power and plug it into another nearby outlet.
If the cameras are connected to a power bar or strip, plug it in directly to a wall outlet. This ensures that the issue is not caused by a faulty power bar or strip and that the camera is getting enough power.
*Please do not skip this step, even if there are other functioning cameras connected to the same power bar. If the camera image does not display, please reconnect the splitter, prior to moving to the next step.
2. Check that all connections are tight.
· Camera to DVR.
· Camera to Power Splitter.
· Power Splitter to Power Adapter.
· Power adapter to the wall outlet.
3. Remove the camera and power adapter from the four-way power splitter and connect the non-working camera directly to the power adapter.
4. From the DVR, swap the yellow tip BNC connection on the back of the DVR to a known working video channel.
5. Swap the camera with the location of a working camera.